Problems with DTMF (Pressing digits during a call)
Matthew Atkinson
Last Update vor einem Jahr
If you are reporting that your IVR is intermittently failing when pressing the menu selections of your Auto Attendant, it highly likely that the in-house PBX has a DTMF issue.
In summary, you’ll need to ensure you are supporting RFC2833 or SIP INFO and not the older analog Inband DTMF.
Inband: With Inband digits are passed along just like the rest of your voice as normal audio tones with no special coding or markers using the same codec as your voice. On a VoIP or SIP network Inband is highly unreliable and is usually the cause of failure.
RFC2833: (Preferred setting in most cases) Is a standards definition for signaling for various events including DTMF tones, fax-related tones and country-specific subscriber line tones.
SIP INFO: This method is also very reliable as it transmits each digit in a SIP message rather than in the audio/media portion of the call. Not all devices can support this method, but if you are having issues with RFC2833 then SIP INFO is a good alternative and should work well.