How to: Port my phone number from another provider

Matthew Atkinson

Last Update 7 maanden geleden

The process to port a UK phone number generally takes around 3 weeks. This time can vary depending on how long your current provider takes to respond to the request. 

Here is the process in general:

  1. Fill out the Tel2 online porting form (5-10 minutes)
  2. Request is sent to your current provider (immediate)
  3. Current provider responds with a date that they will port the number (1-14 days depending on the provider)
  4. Tel2 pre-provisions the phone number in your web portal (at the same time as point 3)
  5. Customer configures their device(s) with the pre-provisioned phone number (at your convenience)
  6. Current provider notifies that the port has been completed (generally 1-2 weeks after the initial response)
  7. Calls begin to flow to Tel2 provisioned number and the porting process is complete

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